Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars picture

Shooting stars, also known as meteors, are awe-inspiring and captivating astronomical phenomena.

Shooting Stars have fascinated humanity for countless generations. These mesmerising light displays occur when pieces of rock or debris from comets or asteroids enter Earth’s atmosphere at incredible speeds. 

Although they can occur at any time of the year, there are specific dates and times when certain meteor showers are more likely to be observed.   One such example is the famous Perseid meteor shower, which occurs annually in August.  It is a highly anticipated event for astronomers and stargazers alike.

These bright, fleeting streaks of light that last only a few seconds can leave behind a spectacular trail of light called a meteor train, adding to their allure. Despite their name, shooting stars are not really stars but are fascinating celestial occurrences that continue to captivate observers both young and old.

Top Facts about Shooting Stars:


  • Shooting Stars are not Stars, but are actually meteoroids.  Meteoroids are small pieces of debris from comets or asteroids.
  • When a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it heats up and produces a bright streak of light, which we call a shooting star.
  • Shooting stars are usually no bigger than a grain of sand, but they can produce a bright and spectacular display in the night sky.
  • The scientific name for shooting stars is meteor, and there are many different types of meteors, including sporadic meteors and meteor showers.
  • Shooting stars can be seen all year round, but there are certain times of the year when meteor showers are more frequent and visible.
  • The Perseid meteor shower in August and the Geminid meteor shower in December are two of the most popular meteor showers.
  • Shooting stars can travel up to 148,000 miles per hour (238,000 kilometers per hour), which is faster than the speed of sound.
  • Shooting stars are often associated with wishes, and it is believed that if you make a wish on a shooting star, it will come true.
  • Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through a trail of debris left behind by a comet or asteroid. This can lead to numerous “shooting stars” appearing at the same time.
  • Despite their small size, shooting stars can have a big impact on our understanding of the universe and the history of our solar system.
  • By studying shooting stars and other space debris, scientists can learn more about the composition and evolution of the planets and the processes that shaped our solar system.

Instead of Wishing on a Star... Why not Name a Star Instead?

Are you tired of simply wishing upon a star and having nothing to show for it?  Well now you can turn those wishes into a Reality by Naming a Star!

At our Award-winning star naming registry we offer a unique and special way to commemorate a special occasion or special someone. 

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It would be a meaningful and thoughtful gesture that would last a lifetime. So why not take the opportunity to make someone’s day by giving them the gift they never knew they wanted? 

Turn your wishes into a reality with our star naming registry today!

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